#DemocracySpring : A complete waste of energy

Democracy Spring. A nonviolent protest that is supposed to break up the corruption on Capitol Hill. The single weakest protest I can think of currently. Non-violence and pleading for cops to join them while ALSO being arrested on purpose… The privilege is palpable. Not only is the protest counter-productive for REAL change, it’s with the intentions of cleaning up Capitalism. Liberals and their ‘Crony Capitalism’

News Flash! ALL Capitalism is evil, there is no purifying it it’s literally a system based on oppression. I hope the cops dismantle this protest, at least that will put a fire in their bellies to actually fight or actually help change things.

Donald Trump: A literal Fascist

In today’s day and age definitions of political ideologies are very much so lost. The idea of Communism closely related or plain simply called authoritarian, Anarchism called foolish, etc., but one thing is for sure: Donald Trump draws multiple parallels to Adolf Hitler and the system of Fascism. Now, what makes me say that exactly? Well, let’s look at Robert Paxton’s definition of Fascism from The Anatomy of Fascism it is described as “a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.” These are all hauntingly similar to everything Donald Trump has spewed or proposed. Likewise when we look at the prospect of antisemitism in Hitler’s propaganda we see that in the beginning Hitler’s appeal of antisemitism was not so genuine nor violent, but was provided to the masses as a form of unifying the masses. This strikes many parallels with that of Donald Trump’s propaganda against Mexicans. 

I will not say WHO to vote for, but I will say this much: Donald Trump is a fascist.

Cuban Image Crisis

I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves. 

– Ernesto “Che” Guevera

Cuba. A land of beautiful beaches and beautiful ideology. One of the only few examples of pure Socialism in the Western hemisphere. A land that prides itself on its’ dedication to providing goods and supplies to all of its’ people, making sure none is left behind. A land where life expectancy in 2012 was actually HIGHER than America’s despite a lesser economy. So, why IS it that Americans are so quick to demonize Cuba? Why are Americans so quick to call Cuba evil when most Cubans in Cuba believe in Socialism and the people are generally better off? Well, there’s a few answers to that.

Expat Opinion – Worthless

The propaganda about Cuba generally revolves around the voices of Cuban expats. People who have since fled Cuba. These Cubans will tell you how difficult life was and how much they hate Castro and Americans will gobble up this shit and take it as gospel. Here’s the problem with this

Why would expats flee in the first place? Could it be they’re angry over them having to hand over their large properties to the Cuban government? Could it be that they’re just Capitalists that don’t agree with the ideologies of Cuba therefore attempt to belittle the accomplishments of Cuba? It’s the same concept as out of touch baby boomers condemning millennials for being lazy and all. They don’t understand, they don’t like it so they immediately attack it. Expat opinion is virtually useless in a discussion about Cuba because it is tainted with bias and prioritizes individuals as opposed to the state

Accomplishments; Outside factors

Some people will tell you the Cuban government provides nothing of importance as education is free and so is healthcare, but it’s ‘worthless’ because of Socialism. That’s an ignorant opinion that stems from prioritizing your individual capital gain as your measure of worth. Is bettering the state and the overall environment not the goal of Socialism? Well, it does this and that’s why in 2015 Cuba created a lung cancer vaccine AND in eliminated mother-to-baby HIV transmission. The latter being an accomplishment praised by the World Health Organization, but that’s ultimately overshadowed by how ‘worthless’ life in Cuba is. How terribly worthless those scientists must feel saving lives and preventing deaths for the meager cost of a dollar. Shame on Cuba. Ironically, when Cuba shares the vaccine research with America you can expect to see private companies profiting off this and making it unobtainable to some. Which puts a price on people’s lives. Which country truly betters the people’s lives in this case?

Cuba has become a land that can provide for its people and has inspired nations all around the world and created the image of Che Guevara. A name that would influence millions of peoples around the globe. Reforms that put the industries and economy of Cuba back in the hands of the Cuban people. Agrarian reform that better the lives of Cubans. Amazing feats in face of such strong adversity.

People will also tell you that the Castro administration has destroyed the economy… as if that was the goal. People who say this are ultimately blind to the other factors being:

  • US embargoes making it extremely difficult to get trade with a neighboring nation; thus harming the Cuban economy
  • The fall of the Soviet Union

These I will not go into, but if you are interested of course you are free to. I will say only that these hurt the Cuban economy very much.

And the claims of human rights abuses ad the security. Hilarious to me that people wish to isolate the case of Cuba silencing dissidents, but won’t bat an eye at Saudi Arabia, or other nations allied with the West.

As for the strict regime of Castro I, again, cannot blame Castro. Only the American government. After countless attempts on Castro’s life and CIA sabotages in Cuba how can one not empathize with the increase in security and crackdowns? Ultimately, it is the American government that created this state NOT Castro.


I will never say that Cuba is a utopia, in fact that isn’t the goal of Communism. I will instead say that Cuba, in its current state, is not as bad as American opinion makes it out to be and instead is a beautiful land that has fought hard to kick out Western influence and remain a state by the people, for the people… A model that America could learn a thing or two from. Listen to facts and not the opinions of Capitalist expats or the media. There is definitely more beauty than you have been told.

Remember this: A Communist revolution is ultimately a revolution that happens only with the support of the lower class. Peasants and workers banding together to overpower the bourgeoisie through numbers. A true revolution of the people. Such the case in Cuba under Castro’s leadership. When Castro passes away we shall see mourning around the world. That is a fact. Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!

Peter Liang Gets No Sympathy From Me

The arrest of Peter Liang in the case of Akai Gurley was justified, but all together pretty shocking. Not for any reasons pertaining to race, but simply because a policeman was held accountable for the one they gunned down. Not only was the verdict a shock, the backlash and reactionary protests were a shock. Asian-Americans across New York took to the streets to show solidarity for Peter Liang in what could only describe as shameful Anti-Blackness.

I’ve never been so appalled by the collective actions of the Asian community as I had in this moment. To come out and protest against the verdict is ultimately valuing the life of Liang over Gurley’s. No, the issue should not be drawn out to simply a race thing, but the larger issue of POLICE BRUTALITY and the immunity of policemen. Peter Liang got 5 years, but why… Why was Liang so unfortunate as to get a sentence when other white cops have done worse with 0 repercussions (Eric Garner)? Here’s where race is an issue and ultimately should remind Asian Americans everywhere the system doesn’t give a FUCK about us. This is not to say I defend Liang or his actions rather I’d say that this should be a wake up call to Asians to separate from whites and instead ally ourselves with Blacks and other PoC groups. As minorities we should all recognize that this police system was not set up to defend US, it was set up to protect the whites and oppress us. Us being every minority in America. Liang getting a sentence should be a reminder that this system does not work for us.

The Asian American community in showing out for Liang has exhibited extremely anti-black attitudes and this NEEDS to be addressed if there is to be unity/revolution in America. Anti-blackness is nothing new to Asian communities, but when we and blacks live under the oppression should we not show solidarity for one another? Were there not multiple Asians in the ranks of the Black Panthers? Imagine if we focused this much energy in addressing anti-blackness instead of protesting a just verdict and an excusable death. We can NOT pit our races against one another if we wish to grow our prosperity. The air of distress must be dispelled and us allowed to unite.

Peter Liang – You deserve this.

Asians – Recognize who we are. We’re not white. They don’t care about us. Fight this system and let us ally with others struggling

My Call to the Philippines [Misc.]

So, earlier today I was to call Comcast and try and get a better deal on my internet… Knowing Comcast customer service this wasn’t gonna be fun, but this time was different. I called and though it took a little bit the rep was very nice and very well spoken. Instead of hiding where she was from my customer service rep told me she was from the Philippines. So we made small talk while she did things… I told her I didn’t think it was right the Philippines was named after some dickhead king named Philip. Anyways, she was overall nice. She told me she turned down a promotion and a chance to move overseas to teach children in the Philippines to better her country. This was so noble to me… A true national. I thought to myself “In the face of a possible better life for herself she chooses to stay and better her country… THIS is the common person, this is what Socialism needs” She expressed to me that she was indeed Socialist and it was amazing, but it was also so crushing. To have someone so well spoken, so creative and idealistic be stuck working some out sourced job for scraps was horrible. I told her this. It hurts me to no end to hear/see foreign workers being exploited by American corporations and inhibit their true potential.

After the call dropped abruptly, I realized I never got her name or anything, but here’s to you ma’am. Fight for your country and a better tomorrow.

Bernie Sanders: A Review

Obviously, Bernie Sanders has been picking up a lot of motion and momentum nearing the end of the primaries where he will eventually face off against the Western imperialist Hillary Clinton and her dynastic party. Even if Sanders is to edge out over Clinton he still must face the Republicans to win presidency. Sanders is a self proclaimed ‘Socialist’, but the thing is… He’s not. In fact, at times I find that I am weary of Sanders for many reasons.

Sanders’ Socialism – The False Positive

Bernie Sanders runs under the titles of ‘Progressive’ and ‘Socialist’ yet a true Socialist should be able to identify Sanders as simply a reformist. A reformist much like his hero FDR. Sanders comes from a family of FDR new deal Democrats so it is not far off to say he draws heavy inspiration from the passion and burn of FDR in the time of crisis he faced. Though his passion is admirable the myth that he is a Socialist must be dispelled. Sanders believes in Capitalism. That is a fact when looking at his economic policies. He does NOT believe in big banking controlling the market, but he does believe in private business, though smaller ones, controlling said market. He is pro-union, yes, all Democrats should be, but he has never hinted at policy that would make him stand definitively as ‘Socialist’. This is worrying as the generation that mostly backs Sanders is the white liberal class that is already unwilling to listen to what is ‘Socialist’. When examining his base it is usually white males and females that are not shy as to throw insult at Clinton that are blatantly sexist. This brings to rise the term ‘BernieBros’.

If Sanders’ false Socialism can be successfully peddled as true Socialism then a huge misunderstanding may poison the current generation. Education is a top priority in persuading the masses to join a movement. The understanding of what Communism IS or what Anarcho-syndicalism must be taught and not the reformist Capitalism Sanders offers that may do little but to slightly halt the power of the bourgeoisie.

Democrats – Allies or Pandering?

One must question the true intentions of Bernie Sanders when he supports both Black Lives Matters and the push for equality in America, but at the same time pushes to continue aid to Israel though he does have criticism of Netanyahu. Could it truly be that a man so well versed in politics ignores the parallels between the Palestinian people and the blacks in America? Both fight an oppressive system that is systemically attacking them. This rings true for Clinton as well, but we already know the true intentions that racist bourgeois puppet. Clinton simply wants the black vote to win so she can grab power and bring literally no change. The only difference between her and the Republicans are social issues and even on that can you trust someone that years ago was openly against gay marriage?

The PROs of the PROgressive

The election of a President Sanders may create a scenario like I described above with power only slightly taken from the bourgeoisie. However, the brighter future that is also possible is that with Sanders’ election comes a kindled interest in the third party platforms in America. Platforms such as that of Jill Stein, president of the Green Party. In short, I see Sanders as a gamble. A gamble that he will be a stepping stone towards true democracy and the dissolution of the two-party system in America as well as the electoral college.  As of now, Sanders has to bend over backwards to prove his allegiance to the Democrats by supporting the past presidency of the racist that is Bill Clinton. A racist that had also used the deregulation of Wall Street as a policy to ‘grow jobs’.  What does this have to do with his potential as president? Nothing. It’s simply rhetoric used to discredit him.

Another pro of Sanders I see is his harsh criticism of Henry Kissinger. The much deserved criticism of that war monger. Though, my hatred of Kissinger is a personal thing I’m sure many like minded leftists would agree that they at least sigh in relief knowing there is someone up there that is capable of calling out Kissinger and his Western Imperialist bullshit.


I see many pros of Sanders… and sadly many cons as well. His policies do not go far enough that I would ‘Feel The Bern’ nor do I see any hope of true revolutionary change. But his passion and his willingness to take on a political machine that has the power of dynastic rule and unlimited funding is inspiring. When Sanders first emerged I had zero hope and brushed him off as someone who would be crushed quickly, but to my surprise he has amassed the younger vote and under his leadership wishes to usher in a ‘Political Revolution’. I, personally, do not see it as all the revolutionary, but his passion is something to look to when the militancy and fervor is needed for TRUE revolution.

But hey… at least he’s not Clinton.

America’s War Against Leftist Ideas

“Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.” – Vladimir Lenin


While I grew up, I was always told Communism was evil… Just look at Stalin. It never once dawned on me to question how an ideology so inherently nice… So inherently for the people is so evil. Why has Capitalism never, in Western textbooks, been examined as evil? Even though it was Capitalism that drove European Imperialists East to terrorize the people and to make them reliant on the oppressor’s goods. Is it not the case that Western devils reared their ugly heads upon the East to plague their markets and exploit their people? Was it not the Western Imperialist that waged war upon China because China pleaded with Britain to stop selling drugs to their people. Was it not the Europeans that robbed Africa and carved it up to create many of the situations that plague it now, while justifying it through false sciences? Was it not Western Imperialists that marched into Vietnam to impose ‘Democracy’ and in doing so murdered countless numbers of Vietnamese and neighboring families with bombs, bullets, and chemicals? Why has so much criticism fallen upon the revolutionary politics that oppose the pyramid structure of Capitalism? The system wishes to stay in power at the expense of the people.

Well, it’s obvious to me now that I’ve been fed lies about America and the Left. Let’s talk about famous people who identified with Left ideology.

Ex. Hellen Keller, Nelson Mandela, W.E.B DuBois, Albert Einstein, George Orwell, and the list goes on

All of these people have had a piece of them erased from America history because they do not conform to the Capitalist machine. How disgusting is that… To have a central point in what influenced your decisions not even be mentioned to textbooks. One has to dig deep in order to discover leaders of the Left that they can look up to, why? Because America will feed you this propaganda that all Communist leaders were Stalinist when there were leaders like Thomas Sankara, Che Guevara and Josip Tito, who wished only to free them and their nation of imperialist misery and improve the lives of the citizens. Why are these altruistic leaders included only as foot notes or not mentioned at all? You guessed it, they don’t conform to this black and white idea that Capitalism = Good, Communism = Bad.

Now, people will even use one simple go to phrase when you mention Communism. “It works in theory”. Yet, time and time again throughout the 20th century Communism has shown itself as a force of good, a force that had mostly improved the lives of the people’s in the nations it is implemented. I do not wish to spoon feed facts, but some notable things to look at are:

  • Cuba pre-Castro administration
  • The Spanish Civil War
  • China during the ‘Century of Humiliation’
  • Burkina Faso – Thomas Sankara
  • North Vietnam vs. South Vietnam

Another great excuse to not look into Communist ideology is “It isn’t natural in humans” That is to say that the invisible hand of the market is? That is to say that most early civilizations did not adhere to a more Socialist structure than Capitalist?

There is no good critique of Communism that should keep it from being ushered in. The last thing I’d have to say on the subject of Communism for now is this: Communism is essentially the revolution of the PEOPLE. How can you honestly say that it is evil when it is the popular movement, when it is the oppressed rising against the oppressors.

To that end, I do not do Anarchists like Orwell justice in this post and I will attempt to at a later time.

Pro-Life = Pro-White Convenience

Over the course of last Monday and Tuesday there was a special little protest set up on campus that was adamantly against abortion. In all cases. The camp had pictures of Cambodian killing fields, and the Holocaust and blacks being lynched….

As I looked around at who was passing at the fliers I noticed something… They were predominately white and headed by an old white man. Assuming he headed it, but then again who else but a baby boomer would go on a college campus to impose his outdated views on people. Who else would be insensitive enough to hang all these pictures up to try and argue a point. Baby boomers. The scum of the earth.

How insensitive and misinformed people are to claim themselves ‘Pro-Life’ when all they want is the banning of abortion. Let’s think about the term ‘Pro-Life’. This would imply care for all life, yes? A sort of altruism that would encompass the lives of foreign workers, minorities, children. Yet… What is the trend in most whites? Lack of support and acknowledgement in issues OUTSIDE of their own bubble. What do I mean by that? How many self proclaimed ‘pro-life’ people would you expect at a ‘Black Lives Matter’ rally or a ‘Free Palestine’ protest? Sure, you can argue those are political as well as abortion, but why is it that these people value the lives of fetuses more than they do blacks or Palestinians? Why is it that they’re willing to support a life that’s arguably non existent as opposed to already living, suffering lives? I’ll tell you why. Because being anti abortion is convenient to white people. Going out as an ally of blacks isn’t. Going out and supporting oppressed minorities that die on the streets or are systemically oppressed isn’t convenient. White people don’t see urgency in reform of the industrial prison complex or police brutality, but when they become slightly uncomfortable with the idea of a woman holding complete autonomy of her body is when they act. THAT’S when they mobilize and start showing out. Why? Is it possibly because the lives described above aren’t in the visible eye of the whites? Absolutely. The next time someone calls themselves ‘Pro-Life’ look them dead in the eyes and ask them their positions on social causes like I’ve asked above. Expose the fraudulent people.

Now, alluding to the protests earlier on my campus… I had the mind numbing experience of talking to one of the people that tried to tell me abortion was wrong. In her argument she said that if we defund all of planned parenthood we would have enough to pay for all the children. How fucking misguided. She actually thinks that money allocated to states to buy little pamphlets, condoms, and perform abortions is enough to fund everyone and their babies. Besides all the shitty analogies she threw at me, which by the way were really nonsensical, the two points I got from her is: Me saying it’s not economically doable makes me Hitler because that’s an argument he used. Amazing. Besides that she tried to tell me abortions are age discriminatory. Just as amazing.

I believe abortion should be legal. Should it be legal at all stages in pregnancy? No, but here’s the thing… If you do not provide a safe avenue for women there’s going to be fatal cases of women taking matters into their own hands. Not only that, but this is a women’s body. A baby boomer, again, with his shitty politics and misogyny, one could imagine, would never hold that into account. The autonomy of a women’s body is hers and hers alone. You have absolutely no right to tell her how to use her body or for what reason. Your PERSONAL ethics does not give you authorization to dictate how a woman should use her body. That’s why I’m not going to say “It should only be done in cases of rape” because the reason should not matter to you, a person that ISN’T the woman.

We’ve seen countless times things like anti-abortion shoved down our throat with this ill sense of morality. In actuality it’s just imposing white values that baby boomers are trying to maintain while their decrepit bodies can. So I say to reject these values. Reject Christian morals in a nation set on the principles of secularism. Reject the politics of a generation that thought the exploitation of other nations was humane. Reject the politics of the self imposing whites that wish to cling onto power.